
The Divorce actions initiated by Sonya Healy and Angst & Angst – by both Robert Angst and Valerie Rosenbluth Angst – have caused considerable damage to every aspect of my life – Financially / Professionally / Personally / Emotionally

The legal tactics include:

Chaotic Petitions
Intended to inflict financial hardship
– “My lawyer said it would hinder you financially.”
Delays which prevent resolution of any matter
Filing Petitions which seek to violate Freedom of Expression and Due Process of Law
Legal Representation
– Lawyers will not take the case
– Trivial content of Petitions filed
– Lawyers vs. Lawyer aspects of the case
– Ex Parte Issues
– Denial of Due Process Issues
– Judge Del Ricci
– Career Ending representation
Recycling Issues and Petitions
– Good Faith – No Contact
– Best Effort – No Effort
– Bad Faith – Failed to Review the Exhibits
Failure to follow proper legal procedures
Ex Parte Communications with Court Staff
False Reports to Law Enforcement – local, state and federal
Failure to Appear in Court for scheduled hearings
– For their Custody Filing filed in July 2008 scheduled for September 9, 2008
– When contacted by the Court Staff as to why they did not appear they indicated there was an Agreement in place yet have never provided that agreement.
– November 23, 2009 – failure to appear at scheduled hearing
Defective Subpoenas
– Police report for August 8, 2007
– Unisys Benefits Statements
– used to delay the custody hearing
– allegations in at least 3 petitions
– acting as though the Defendant is hiding the content of the documents
– failing to provide the same documents (from Unisys) as part of their Discovery submission
Criminal Actions
Violations of Court Orders
Impersonation of a Pro Se litigant
– the content and frequency of the petitions filed by Angst & Angst
– complaining about having to respond to the Defendant’s Pro Se petitions
– alleging the petitions filed by the Pro Se defendant are arbitrary, vexatious and in bad faith
Allegations contrived for the purpose of extending and delaying the pre-trial Discovery
Withdrawing their claims
Deferring any decision of their claims until Equitable Distribution
– The claims were successful in delaying the Defendant’s actions in Custody
– No longer required to delay hearings related to custody
– The claims will serve the same chaotic and antagonistic purpose at Equitable Distribution
Their tactics are cliché and easily identified as not intended to move the case toward resolution.
– Each time they point the finger at me, they have three pointed back at themselves.
– Identity Theft
– Car Petition

– Like a child in the backseat of the car saying ‘He’s touching me’, Angst & Angst file petitions which only serve to antagonize the court and then acting as if they are not the initiators of the action

Team Building
– their actions to alienate family and friends
– their actions to engage family and friends into criminal actions for which they become liable
– their actions to engage outside persons into criminal actions for which they become liable
– their actions to engage outside businesses into criminal actions for which they become liable
– their actions to manipulate law enforcement into liability
– their actions to manipulate law enforcement into non-response as any action will expose their liability
– their actions to manipulate outside contractors into liability
– their actions to conspire to prevent prosecution of any criminal action
– their actions to manipulate court personnel into improper action
– their actions to manipulate court personnel into non-response as any action will expose their liability
– their actions to destroy my business
– their actions to deter employment
– their actions to hinder me financially
– not successful in eliminating emotional support – mother, sister, brother, father, and a few close friends
– continuing efforts to eliminate emotional support
– Brian targeting my mother
– Chrissie targeting John to the point where their family is facing a similar crisis
– not successful in eliminating sources of financial support – mother, sister, father
– failure to realize that the Defendant has experience and resourcefulness which permits him to identify the technologies and tactics being used against him
– failure to realize that the Defendant is able to endure and persevere through the protracted legal attacks and humiliations
– failure to foresee the Defendant would be capable of responding to the relentless, dilatory, obdurate and vexatious legal actions presented to the court against him
– Defendant has been able to anticipate, identify the purpose, and recognize the intended outcome of petitions filed by Angst & Angst intending to entrap, humiliate, undermine his reputation and credibility
– Defendant has been forced to respond the unending baseless and fraudulent allegations, and bizarre situations created by the Plaintiff;
and her attorneys;
and other individual persons;
and businesses;
and local, county, state and federal law enforcement departments and agencies;
and county court administration staff;
and Custody Master, Sara Goren;
and Judge Thomas Del Ricci;
and Judge Arthur Tilson
who have found themselves manipulated into situations where they must protect their respective individual liabilities, and the liabilities of the others. Each has refused to respond to reasonable requests for an explanation of their actions (or inactions), even where their actions violate
established procedures for Montgomery County,
established procedures for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,
the United States Constitution,
the laws of the United State of America,
International Treaties and Conventions.
The strongest counter measure to their tactics is THE TRUTH

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