
There seems to be some great discrepancies with regard to scope of an issue and the period of time permitted to be discussed.
The restrictions are only applied to me.

Robert Angst is not restricted by either.

During the hearings, my questions are constantly interrupted with accusations that the topic is outside the scope of the issue; or that the question pertains to a period of time outside the period permitted to be discussed. YET, my question is in reference to prior questions

    which were permitted

without being filtered by period or scope.

Even after surviving that frustration, in submitting the briefs to the court, I held to the scope and period which was defined during the hearing. Robert Angst in submitting his brief did not only not adhere to the scope and period, but introduced topics which were never presented.

How is it that those topics for which there was no testimony, have found their way into the judge’s ruling?
The constant introduction of CHAOS, completely undermines everything.

There is no doubt there are multiple justifiable grounds for appeal of Judge Bertin’s rulings. I do not say this because the judge has erred in any way. He has not. The rulings as written almost write the appeal themselves. BUT, I don’t know the appeal process. This is the first time I’ve actually seen a ruling. Taking the personal emotion out of a document which seems to vilify me, the ruling is directly or indirectly indicating all of the reasons for the appeal.

Robert Angst would definitely appeal any decision, to keep the chaos going. CHAOS is a tactic he has used

    throughout his career

. His other favorite tactic is the discovery/delivery of documents game. I on the other hand will not know as much about the appeal process so as long as the ‘balls stay in the air’ there will not be enough time for me to appeal, and continue to petition, and research, and learn… it is overwhelming most of the time.

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