
When recusing himself during a 15 minute speech from his bench in courtroom G of the Montgomery County Courthouse Judge Thomas Delricci lied multiple times in an attempt to whitewash the case’s actual history and his rulings. He additionally went on to attempt to intimidate me and further threatened his own lawsuit for liable and slander.

I took careful notes and the record will show that the judge LIED close to a dozen or more times in his recusal speech. And I can prove that he lied. His own written court orders will indicate it, even if they attempt to modify the court transcript.

So many people, actually EVERYONE, had told me that a judge would never recuse himself from a case. To request it would only antagonize him.
When I had researched and prepared the Petition for Recusal, it was as I was editing the 120+ page document my computers were killed and it took over 2 weeks to rebuild one, the others are still down. The day after the computers were shut down, the judge wrote his letter that he intended to recuse. He then waited 2 weeks to actually recuse himself further delaying any opportunity for a hearing on the petition to modify custody which had been filed on December 26, 2007.

Unending corruption in this case. All against a Pro Se defendant without any legal degree or training. I am not afraid because the truth is on my side. And any court that is willing to listen to the facts and truth of this case will redeem the tarnished reputation of the Judge Thomas Del Ricci’s courtroom and the entire corrupted legal system that has been my experience so far.

When a lawyer is out to save her own career, she will stop at nothing and no one to destroy everything and everyone in her path. The truth MUST prevail. This is not about a divorce, it is about a corrupt lawyer covering her criminal advise to her client.

Angst & Angst have caused this terror. Angst & Angst must be prosecuted, disbarred and punished. Angst & Angst must be prevented from doing this to anyone else in the future.

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