
July 27, 2009

And now, this 27th day of July, 2009, the parties agree as follows:

1. A case management proceeding on the record pertaining to wife’s 2 petitions for contempt and husband’s 2 custody petitions for contempt will be held and Brennan’s testimony will be taken pertaining to husband’s custody contempt petitions to allow Brennan to appear prior to his matriculation at Penn State, Altoona campus. Said proceeding will commence at 9:15 AM on August 7, 2009 in Court Room B for a one day proceeding.

2. Hearings on all petitions will be held at 9:15 AM on August 24 & 25, 2009 in Court Room B. If there are discovery issues related thereto, the court will address them on August 7, 2009.


July 27, 2009

And now, this 27th day of July 2009, after proceedings in court on the record this date, and after interview with child, Brennan, who will be 18 years of age on 8/7/09, on the record in open court, with opportunities for the parents to question him, for the reasons set forth on the record this date, father’s petition to modify custody order and emergency petition for modification of custody, and mother’s counter-petition to modify custody order (withdrawn in open court) are denied.