
Yesterday, I stumbled upon an article about how KASPERSKY can detect, remove and prevent bootkit intrusions. Yet, when i went to find the software, the software didn’t advertise THAT HUGE FEATURE. Only to find out that the Kaspersky web site must have been redirected to a phoney. More later on this…

Over night, the sudden departure of a housemate… who was apparently VERY alarmed about my breifly overhearing part of a phone call.

Was he more alarmed that I overheard it, or that somehow SOMEONE ON HIS PHONE TOLD HIM THAT I WAS EAVESDROPPING? (How did they know?) He quickly ended his call and rushed to find me. I covered. He was revealed. No immediate confrontation was necessary. Instead, it was after some more redirection/obfuscation went awry at around 1:30 this morning, he decided to leave refusing to answer any questions about his actions and decision. His parting words were that he feels bad for me and my situation, adding “Your wife is a total bitch.” He was out the door and away. More later…

Still tracking down what she did to cause the mortgage to become unpaid. And why she was aware of it being unpaid before I was. As the mortgage company is set to send those notices to my cell phone. OH WAIT, they control my phone. Good ole FLEXISPY. They have the power to intercept and block any incoming calls and text messages. …as well as outgoing ones. …as well as the ability to screen all calls.

I get a call this afternoon from a friend who has been helping me, he says that he has tried multiple times to get in touch with me but was getting SERVICE UNAVAILABLE. That FLEXISPY program, it’s always on the job!

KASPERSKY FLASHBACK: In June 2007, I was being prevented from downloading Kaspersky from any server. I had a friend download it, rename it, place it on the RitaCoolidge site where I could pick it up and use it. That method worked, only the intruding software had the ability to corrupt the program after it was installed. (junction points, configuration changes and DNS redirection.)

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