
The FBI can activate your phone’s microphone and listen in (with a warrant, of course.)
But, did you realize just about anyone can hack onto your phone and do it as well.

I have confirmed an installation of the software onto my cell phone. Though they continue to pretend the person must be able to get their hands on the phone – that is just not true. I watched it as it was installed on my phone.

It happened after I ignored an unknown phone number for a week on a new cell phone. I received an email identifying the number and the support person who was trying to contact me and what time he would callback. I relented and answered the phone when it rang at the designated time. Only there was no one on the other end… then bluetooth was activated. The number called back again a few hours later, this time there was someone there, and I asked them who they were and why they were hacking my phone.

When your computers and your phones are hacked you are unable to effectively communicate… They control your life. Every Minute, Every Hour, Every Day, Every Month, Every Year. Since January 2007, I have been terrorized by these types of products.

Local Police have done nothing to help
The District Attorney, Risa Furman, has ignored repeated requests for help.


I just got of the phone with Brennan… He hung up on me. He did this to prove that he only called because he had to.

I was still up doing some work when the phone rang. As Brennan no longer has school in the morning [he graduated today], I picked up the call.
I asked what was up? He replied NOTHING.
He then passed a taunting message from his brother Colin about going to jail.
I asked what’s new? He replied NOTHING.

As he graduated tonight, I would have thought he could have thought of a little something to make this call different from any of the others of the last few years. BUT NO, he is apparently still afraid to speak.

When asked why he called so late (11:30PM)? He replied “Because he had to” and then he demonstrated the point by hanging up the phone.
[Total length of this call = 1 minute 34 seconds]

Brennan’s demonstration was clearly an indication that his motive for the call was to protect his mother from sanctions for contempt of a custody order, or truer still to create more rhetoric and chaos in the courtroom.

Brennan has no idea why he hates me so much. Nor do I. Because he doesn’t.

Let’s call it what it is…. PARENTAL ALIENATION.
( from Three Types of Parental Alienators by Douglas Darnall, Ph.D. copyright 1997 )

Type Three: Obsessed Alienator

“I love my children. If the court can’t protect them from their abusive father, I will. Even though he’s never abused the children, I know it’s a matter of time. The children are frightened of their father. If they don’t want to see him, I’m not going to force them. They are old enough to make up their own minds.”

The obsessed alienator is a parent, with a cause: to align the children to his or her side and together, with the children, campaign to destroy their relationship with the targeted parent. For the campaign to work, the obsessed alienator enmeshes the children’s personalities and beliefs into their own. This is a process that takes time but one that the children, especially the young, are completely helpless to see and combat. It usually begins well before the divorce is final. The obsessed parent is angry, bitter or feels betrayed by the other parent. The problem occurs when the feelings won’t heal but instead become more intense because of being forced to continue the relationship with a person they despise because of their common parenthood. Just having to see or talk to the other parent is a reminder of the past and triggers the hate. They are trapped with nowhere to go and heal.

The characteristics of an obsessed alienator are:
– They are obsessed with destroying the children’s relationship with the targeted parent. [CHECK]

– They having succeeded in enmeshing the children’s personalities and beliefs about the other parent with their own. [CHECK]

– The children will parrot the obsessed alienator rather than express their own feelings from personal experience with the other parent. [CHECK]

– The targeted parent and often the children cannot tell you the reasons for their feelings. [CHECK]

– Their beliefs sometimes become delusional and irrational. No one, especially the court, can convince obsessed alienators that they are wrong. [CHECK]

– Anyone who tries is the enemy. [CHECK]

– They will often seek support from family members, quasi-political groups or friends that will share in their beliefs that they are victimized by the other parent and the system. The battle becomes “us against them.” [ EVERYONE ]

– The obsessed alienator’s supporters are often seen at the court hearings even though they haven’t been subpoenaed. [BARB KATE]

– They have an unquenchable anger because they believe that the targeted parent has victimized them and whatever they do to protect the children is justified. [CHECK]

– They have a desire for the court to punish the other parent with court orders that would interfere or block the targeted parent from seeing the children. This confirms in the obsessed alienator’s mind that he or she was right all the time. [CHECK]

– The court’s authority does not intimidate them. [Judge DelRicci has actually endorsed and rewarded these behaviors without explanation.]

– The obsessed alienator believes in a higher cause, protecting the children at all cost. [CHECK]

– The obsessed alienator will probably not want to read what is on these pages because the content just makes them angrier. There are no effective treatment protocols that have been validated for either the obsessed alienator or the PAS children. [CHECK]

– The courts and mental health professionals are sincere in wanting to help these families but their efforts frequently fail. [ ???? ]

The best hope for children affected by an obsessed alienator is early identification of the symptoms and prevention. [IDENTIFIED JULY @2007] After the alienation is entrenched and the children become “true believers” in the parent’s cause, the children may be lost to the other parent for years to come. I realize this is a sad statement, but I have yet to find an effective intervention, by anyone, including the courts that can rehabilitate the alienating parent and child. There can still be hope in that spontaneous reunification can occur, usually in response to a crisis that causes the alienated child to reach out to the rejected parent.

Sara Goren indicated that she did not believe in parental alienation. She is a fool. A custody master would likely come into contact with this type of behavior on a regular basis. She ignores the symptoms. She hurts people. Sara Goren’s ‘beliefs’ and her considerable fraud represented in her reports obliterated my family.


Is it purely by coincidence that analog cell phones (phones which do not have digital access and networking capabilities) have been completely removed from use and digital cell phones are the only cell phones which function?

Monday February 18, 2008 was called the “analog sunset” because those AMPS (Advanced Mobile Phone System) networks, which were first deployed in the 1980s and brought cellular service to millions of Americans, disappeared behind the digital networks that serve almost all mobile phones in use today.

Perhaps it is additionally a coincidence that the Digital Television conversion date will require most television viewers to have a ‘box’ to convert the signal. Unless, they already have a cable box handling the conversion for them. EVERYONE will have ‘a box’ within range of their televisions… with a direct line of sight to wherever you sit to watch television. You can’t hide the boxes… because the remote wouldn’t work. How much of your activity at home is within sight of a television? We have known about this digital conversion for some time, why haven’t the television manufacturers simply incorporated those cable boxes? Everything else gets combined – tv/vcr/dvd/usb – into one player, but the cable box remains…

Digital systems can be more easily corrupted, hacked, used for legal surveillance… by the government … and by the private sector … and also by anyone who buys the inexpensive software programs which provide the stealthy surveillance capabilities. (And sure in some cases, YES, it could be done illegally too.)

Anyone who has suggested that there are cameras and microphones in the digital conversion boxes has been mocked unmercifully. They have posted their findings and have been publicly ridiculed and mocked for being paranoid. The idea of THAT happening in the USA is just totally unamerican. You would have to be crazy to think that just because it CAN be done it would actually occur.

Why do people think the surveillance tools available all over the internet are not being used?
Why does the government get involved in the business of these conversions anyway?
Why do the people who report their findings lose their credibility?
Why do people think that just because there was a camera in one digital box in the middle of the country, there would be more?
Why is it ridiculous to think that if the surveillance tools are found in one, they will appear in every one?
Why are there all those extras networking connections in the cable boxes anyway? We don’t use those available wireless connections, we have a router to get to the web.
Maybe the surveillance tools are only in the units of people who ARE under surveillance?
Maybe there are only a few models so that it can be switched to a surveillance unit if necessary without detection?
Maybe that’s why they have that sticker that says there are criminal charges for opening the boxes, which are the property of the cable companies?
People are afraid to remove their mattress tags. I can assure you they won’t breach that sticker to open the cable box?
[Don’t do it. NEVER seek answers to questions that you really would prefer not to know.]
Maybe our technology has gone digital in order to provide for that DCS (digital collection system) used by the government?

Perhaps there has been NO PROSECUTION FOR THE ILLEGAL USE OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES because if properly secured from hackers, phones and cable networks would additionally be secured from the government who just may wish to tap your phone line one day. And there are laws on the books which REQUIRE that there be an available way to access those types of technologies should the government find it necesary.

I know I’ll be mocked for this post… Funny that over the last 8 years or so, the color of technology shifted from red to blue? Infrared? Not when there’s Bluetooth, Blue Ray, Blu-disc?


Tomorrow, my son Brennan graduates from North Penn High School. Well, at least that is what I have heard from other channels. I wouldn’t know for sure because his schedule apparently requires him to schedule our daily conversation closer to midnight. I haven’t spoken to him in weeks, perhaps months.

Brennan never said anything in those phone calls. More often than not the calls were never made. Each call is a hurtful painful experience. I no longer attempt to stay up for the call, or run for it when the phone wakes me. Why go to sleep each night upset with him. Additionally, if I were to speak with him at that late hour at any length, it would likely be another fraudulent phrase in an Angst & Angst petition – “Brennan is unable to concentrate in school because of the late night calls with his father.

I am ashamed and humiliated by the actions of my children. I will never understand why they have chosen to sit back and watch their father be destroyed. Parental Alienation is an evil manipulative form of child abuse.

Congratulations Brennan.


One of the advantages of the web site is that it allows me to know who is reading the web site.

The original purpose of the site was simply to have storage of the data in a remote location. The constant attacks on the computers here were causing incredible stress as the outages occurred during the weeks before court dates and prevented me from being fully prepared.

The thing is they didn’t realize I was watching them watch me until, in February 2008, they caused my identity theft.

In a phone call to Sonya, I explained that apparently the data was made available on the internet. I offered to pay for LifeLock for the two of us. Sonya indicated that the police had told her that wouldn’t be necessary. Apparently she had called police on her attorney’s directions the week before. BEFORE SHE EVEN TOLD ME SHE NOTICED THE DATA. I took back the offer and explained to her that I had been watching her, her lawyer and her friends reading the web site regularly in the preceeding months. I had also noticed that her lawyers were apparently setting this one up.

Once discovered, they immediately hacked the site and began to tear it down. I blocked them by running up the counters, and lowering the limits. This limited access to the master account and prevented them from accessing any part of the remaining client web sites. I also placed numerous calls to imaginary support lines acting as if i couldn’t access the site. It was important that they think I couldn’t get in to the site until I had secured the current backup data. But, I knew how I would get back in.

Since that time, Angst & Angst have not accessed my web site at any time. They still can include copies of it in their petitions, but oddly the statistics show no record of them being on the site. SURE, THEY ARE HIDING THEIR ACCESS. BUT WHY?

And they gave me an even bigger gift, because they cleaned up the history of the web statistics. And in doing so they have exposed the team. By using my back-up copies, I can see which IP addresses have disappeared from the history along with Angst & Angst. “They” have identified the themselves.

I bet ‘they’ will additionally be identified on the secret cell phone.


Welcome back…, where’ve you been?

It would seem that since I wrote the letter to the DA that the IP addresses which resolved to Montgomery County offices had disappeared. Strange that this would happen.

Stranger still is the fact that the letter, additionally copied to all state and federal representatives and the news media, has received no response. I guess in Montgomery County a dozen white people can burglarize a home in broad daylight, (1) using minor children, (2) fraudulent letters from an attorney, (3) in violation of several court orders and somehow have the endorsement of law enforcement to commit the crime.

Inexplicably, there hasn’t been any web site hits from any of the others who received the letter. More redirection and obfuscation?

Time for justice. Time to prosecute Angst & Angst for causing the damage to everyone involved. Their unethical, illegal and unscrupulous activities have affected everyone who has ‘helped’ them. Who is next to get manipulated into misdeeds? Careful, because they will throw you under the bus with everyone else…


A news story from Indianapolis which demonstrates how easy your privacy is violated.
And no one ever gets caught it seems…

How is it possible that Law Enforcement has done nothing in this case. The program being used by the hacker is on the phone along with identifying information. The information on the phone will indicate the person commiting the crime. (I’ll speculate that the person responsible for the terror in the video is connected with law enforcement, or had been in the past. And they are covering it up…)

I have come to only one conclusion as to why this crime has not yet been prosecuted in any court. Law Enforcement is using the same tools for surveillance and not obtaining a warrant. If Law Enforcement would solve the case, they would additionally be sacrificing one of their tools.

I explained the phone hacking program to Detective DeAngelo in March 2008. Perhaps everyone in law enforcement wasn’t aware of the capabilities. It seemed as if the program I was explaining might fit a scenario he had heard about. He then asked Detective Kuter if that was how they were doing the phone stuff up in the poconos. Detective Kuter confirmed that the technology I was explaining would explain the other situation.


You have to wonder why 3 weeks can go by and there has not been any response from the Distrct Attorney.

You have to wonder why the 25 others who were cc’d on the letter have additionally not made any inquiry.

You have to wonder why of all of theose persons and organizations, not one has checked the web site for additioanl information.

Why is it impossible for me to get justice?

They have destroyed my life, every aspect of my life, and continue to attack using my children as their pawns.  Yet as I seek to prosecute them, I am without a voice, powerless, helpless, and unable to get any answer to any question.  

I only wish I was capable of committing suicide, because it would put an end to the misery caused by these monsters.   Had I been capable of that, it would have happened long ago.  Instead, I cry for myself.  the hoplessness and despair grow with the hours, days, nmmonths, years of conspiracy and corruption and cover-up.

I have gone everywhere possible for help.  I’ve followed the rule of law.  I’ve never resorted to trickery or games to get answers.  I go direct to the source.  I get no answers.  The story is there though.  It is clear.  After 2+ years the pattern is evident.  The silence screams the injustice.  Yet there is no one to help.  No one to ask for help.  And those responsible to enforce the law ignore their responsibilities.  

I await the inevitablefurther attack.  It is a long slow murder.  Endorsed by all of law enforcement, because they were manipulated by the desperation of a lawyer who got caught using illegal tactics against the opposition.  the desperate lawyers, Angst & Angst, would do anything to save their lives, even as they destroyed not just me, but my sons, my mother, my brothers, my sister.

Sonya Healy’s divorce has caused so much destruction.


On an very emotional day, when one of my closest friends made since this drama began came home to say good-bye, my son Colin contacts his grandmother.  Colin indicates that he and his brother wish to come home.  Oddly, he does this by saying they are ‘calling my bluff’.

When will ‘they’ stop using my children to terrorize me.  Don’t they recognize the damage they are doing to the children.  Of course they do.  They don’t care.  They have yet to ever consider the best interest of the children.   I send the message back to come on home, but expect to explain your own actions of the past 2 years.  

My son Colin follows his challenge up with statements which indicate he still doesn’t understand slander and defamation of character.  He informs his grandmother of ‘family secrets’ about his aunt and uncle – items which were no surprise to her.  Colin has no first hand knowledge of what he is telling people, yet continues to spread the gossip.  He would be creating a web site to inform the world of the information he ‘knows’.   While the addition of these comments indicates the extreme lack of sincerity regarding wanting to come home.  He is still welcome to come home.

Colin had learned what hearsay was in time for the April Fool’s Day court date where he shouted HEARSAY interrupting my answer to a question from the judge.  The judge indicated that I was responding to his direct question with regard to another person and as I was a party to the event it wasn’t hearsay.

I will welcome my children home.  I will try to learn to trust them again.  As they are once again being used by Angst & Angst and their mother to attack me emotionally or perhaps to gather fraudulent evidence, or worse-yet to plant ‘evidence’ around the home.  

I am not afraid of you.  I am not afraid of the truth.  My children will reveal more about the crimes you have committed.  The crimes that you have informed them about which have forced them to sacrifice their relationships with the entire family.  How can they be here and not talk to me?  Who is truly bluffing whom here?

By all means, call” my” (?)  bluff.  Be prepared to discover that I’m not bluffing.  I know all the cards in everyone’s hand.   You may think you know the cards, but you can’t explain why you know what you think you know.  You use my children for your dirty work.   I have cried out all emotional connection to my children.   You do not care or consider the best interests of the children.  Your actions are self-serving, maniacal and psychotic with a huge dose of desperation.


The destruction is complete at this point.  

They have taken everythign I ever valued in my life.

1. Family – The kids have been gone for almost 2 years now without any explanation.  I was always so proud of my boys.  However, I can honestly say that I am ashamed of them.  I never imagined they could be so easily distorted against me.  They have become cowards who are unwilling to indicate what happened to us.  Parental Alienation is a truly horrific experience.  I will always be their biological father.  But I am not so sure I want to see what happens to them.  They now know that corruption and fraud are accepted tactics.  That there is truly no justice in the courts.   They know that manipulating people into improper actions, will obligate the manipulated to protect them.  They learned the best way to conceal a lie is to not communicate.  They learned you cannot trust anyone… a wife, a child, a brother, a friend.  It is so sad, they will never enjoy the innocence again.. and will suffer the guilt for the rest of their lives.

2. Friends –  All but a few have disappeared without any word.  Some won’t answer their phone or even come to their door for me.  Others just avoid me entirely.  And their silence is remarkable… and unexplained.  Those still in touch are as tired of hearing the events as I am of talking about it.  But, they hang in as long as they can and they are attacked at the same time.  Their careers are affected and their computers hacked and monitored.  Anyone who assists me is additionally targeted.

3. Career -They control email and phone communications.  I only get what they permit.  They will not permit me to get a job, BECAUSE IF I GET A JOB, someone as resourceful as me will find the tools and information to remove their hack. I may be able to pay back all the debt I have incurred as I have been unemployed for over 2 years now.  They got me fired from Brandofino Communications.  They attacked me and all of my clients.  My references all had to leave my business because of the constant tech-attack.  

And who is going to hire the IT guy who couldn’t get around an ‘virus’.  My 20+ years of Computing/Programming/IT experience has done one thing.  I have made their program even stronger.  As they watched me discover their programs, they update the programs to prevent it from happening in the future.  Your new career is Lead Tester/Research & Development for their hack programs and you don’t get paid for it.

4. RitaCoolidge.com – The dream is over…  A passion is gone.  What was only imagined in my youth, became a reality.  And one of the proudest relationships of my life.  But every relationship has limits.  After 2.5 years of harrasment, Rita Coolidge has been forced to end our business relationship.