
It has now been over two weeks since I mailed a letter to the District Attorney regarding prosecution of the people responsible for the break-in and burglary of my home.  There has been no response.

It was suggested that the DA was on vacation during the one week.  Entirely possible.  Perhaps corroborated by a stray hit on this web site from Hilton Head, SC.  

I think it is entirely reasonable to have expected to hear something by this point.  

Additionally, there has been no visible access of the web site by any of the organizations and people cc’d on the letter to the DA.  This is confirmed from two sources of web statistical programs.  This is extremely surprising.

I think it is entirely suspicious to note that there has been no access to the web site from any IP address associated with Montgomery County in the preceding few weeks.  There has always been consistent and regular appearances of Montgomery County IP addresses.  Somehow, they have inexplicably stopped.

Also questionable is that there has been no access by local government and township offices.

The usual cast of characters have been making their regular searches for their own names, and finding them.  All of those involved and named on the web site apparently google themselves daily.  

I await the prosecution of those involved.  I fear their reprisals.  More than one person has suggested that my life is in danger.   I have to agree, they will apparently stop at nothing to avoid prosecution.  The silence is deafening.

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