
After delaying the custody hearing for the last 2 years,…

and after preventing any visitation,..

and with the knowledge that he has ruled Sonya Healy is in contempt of the custody order,…

and stalling the scheduling for the hearing until mid-June (2009), …

and then scheduling the hearing for a ‘possible’ July 13, 2009, …

and knowing that my son Brennan turns 18 in August,…

on June 25, 2009, Judge DelRicci writes that he is recusing himself from further proceedings in the matter.

He will announce his reasons in open court on July 6, 2009 in courtroom G.

I was prepared to deliver a considerably long petition requesting the recusal this morning but my computers have been under heavy attack for the last week. They killed the laptop completely today. The formal paperwork reflected in a more petition-like format the post I had written on May 20, 2009.

Anyone have any thoughts on the reason the judge will use for his recusal?
a) Federal civil rights violations
b) Violations of Pennsylvania law and procedure
c) Harassment and disrespect
d) Judicial misconduct
e) Conspiracy with Local Police
f) Conspiracy with County Detectives
g) Conspiracy with the District Attorney
… feel free to post your own suggestions…

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