
On an very emotional day, when one of my closest friends made since this drama began came home to say good-bye, my son Colin contacts his grandmother.  Colin indicates that he and his brother wish to come home.  Oddly, he does this by saying they are ‘calling my bluff’.

When will ‘they’ stop using my children to terrorize me.  Don’t they recognize the damage they are doing to the children.  Of course they do.  They don’t care.  They have yet to ever consider the best interest of the children.   I send the message back to come on home, but expect to explain your own actions of the past 2 years.  

My son Colin follows his challenge up with statements which indicate he still doesn’t understand slander and defamation of character.  He informs his grandmother of ‘family secrets’ about his aunt and uncle – items which were no surprise to her.  Colin has no first hand knowledge of what he is telling people, yet continues to spread the gossip.  He would be creating a web site to inform the world of the information he ‘knows’.   While the addition of these comments indicates the extreme lack of sincerity regarding wanting to come home.  He is still welcome to come home.

Colin had learned what hearsay was in time for the April Fool’s Day court date where he shouted HEARSAY interrupting my answer to a question from the judge.  The judge indicated that I was responding to his direct question with regard to another person and as I was a party to the event it wasn’t hearsay.

I will welcome my children home.  I will try to learn to trust them again.  As they are once again being used by Angst & Angst and their mother to attack me emotionally or perhaps to gather fraudulent evidence, or worse-yet to plant ‘evidence’ around the home.  

I am not afraid of you.  I am not afraid of the truth.  My children will reveal more about the crimes you have committed.  The crimes that you have informed them about which have forced them to sacrifice their relationships with the entire family.  How can they be here and not talk to me?  Who is truly bluffing whom here?

By all means, call” my” (?)  bluff.  Be prepared to discover that I’m not bluffing.  I know all the cards in everyone’s hand.   You may think you know the cards, but you can’t explain why you know what you think you know.  You use my children for your dirty work.   I have cried out all emotional connection to my children.   You do not care or consider the best interests of the children.  Your actions are self-serving, maniacal and psychotic with a huge dose of desperation.


The destruction is complete at this point.  

They have taken everythign I ever valued in my life.

1. Family – The kids have been gone for almost 2 years now without any explanation.  I was always so proud of my boys.  However, I can honestly say that I am ashamed of them.  I never imagined they could be so easily distorted against me.  They have become cowards who are unwilling to indicate what happened to us.  Parental Alienation is a truly horrific experience.  I will always be their biological father.  But I am not so sure I want to see what happens to them.  They now know that corruption and fraud are accepted tactics.  That there is truly no justice in the courts.   They know that manipulating people into improper actions, will obligate the manipulated to protect them.  They learned the best way to conceal a lie is to not communicate.  They learned you cannot trust anyone… a wife, a child, a brother, a friend.  It is so sad, they will never enjoy the innocence again.. and will suffer the guilt for the rest of their lives.

2. Friends –  All but a few have disappeared without any word.  Some won’t answer their phone or even come to their door for me.  Others just avoid me entirely.  And their silence is remarkable… and unexplained.  Those still in touch are as tired of hearing the events as I am of talking about it.  But, they hang in as long as they can and they are attacked at the same time.  Their careers are affected and their computers hacked and monitored.  Anyone who assists me is additionally targeted.

3. Career -They control email and phone communications.  I only get what they permit.  They will not permit me to get a job, BECAUSE IF I GET A JOB, someone as resourceful as me will find the tools and information to remove their hack. I may be able to pay back all the debt I have incurred as I have been unemployed for over 2 years now.  They got me fired from Brandofino Communications.  They attacked me and all of my clients.  My references all had to leave my business because of the constant tech-attack.  

And who is going to hire the IT guy who couldn’t get around an ‘virus’.  My 20+ years of Computing/Programming/IT experience has done one thing.  I have made their program even stronger.  As they watched me discover their programs, they update the programs to prevent it from happening in the future.  Your new career is Lead Tester/Research & Development for their hack programs and you don’t get paid for it.

4. RitaCoolidge.com – The dream is over…  A passion is gone.  What was only imagined in my youth, became a reality.  And one of the proudest relationships of my life.  But every relationship has limits.  After 2.5 years of harrasment, Rita Coolidge has been forced to end our business relationship.