
OK, someone searched for Frank’s name and landed at my site. more info
Windows XP, Internet Explorer 7    

Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)

May 4, 2009 14:28:02
Frank Brassell
arrived from Google searching “frank brassell”

It seems a little funny,…

… the ip address resolves to freelibrary.org, a site which I am able to connect to through my browser.  Yet, I am unable to ping either the IP address or the FreeLibrary.org addresses.  

And another program resolves the site to Allied Telecom group in Washington, D.C.

Apparently, the searcher wanted to remain anonymous for some reason.  I wonder why they feel the need to hide.


It would seem that in Pennsylvania, if a civil complaint is filed with regard to a burglary it can preclude and prevent any criminal prosecution.

Could this be the reason that Judge DelRicci suggested I get my information from the discovery part of a civil case?

Could this be the reason that judge DelRicci instructed the township police to not permit me to press charges?

Could this be the reason that Judge DelRicci instructed the detectives to not permit me to press charges?

Could this be the reason that the District Attorney’s office also chose to not proceed?

Could this be the reason my son, Colin Healy, filed a lawsuit for slander and liable.  His claim that the factual statements on my web site were liablous and slanderous because he, and the others responsible, was not charged with the offenses.  The judge ruled against him.   I believe he filed this on someone else’s instructions.  An attempt to induce me to filing a civil suit without the cooperation of the police and DA.  (Whoever coached him should have prepared him with the correct pronunciation of some words.  It was embarassing as a father to watch my son attack using words the boy apparently did not know.)

Could this be the reason that the police have refused to indicate in writing why they won’t permit me to file charges?


Why does it appear that the schedule for Judge Thomas DelRicci ends on May 28, 2009?  There is nothing on his schedule after that date.

And there are now barely any dates scheduled for May.  



There are so many days when I wake, after a restless night, to the feeling of overwhelming hopelessness and dispair.  I spend those days crying.    

I have made every logical effort to end this terror.  Those in law enforcement to whom I have turned for help have inexplicably refused (FBI), or pretended to act (County Detectives), or further exacerbated the situation (local police).

This inaction by law enforcement provides the basis for other organizations not wishing to become involved.

The courts have been of no assistance.  The actions of the judges and administration defy explanation.  There is no legal basis for anything which has occurred in the court process.  Their tactics are clear.  By acting in complete defiance of logic and reason, the chaos creates a situation which defies explanation and calls credability into question.

I am not trying to make this worse.  I am trying to make it better for me, my son and my family.  I am one man with no resources.  I have survived 2 years of this terror, yet each day shows no improvement over the one before it.  

I persevere.  Perhaps doing so foolishly, but there is no other alternative.