
After the viewing for Aunt Marge.


Communicating anything with Sonya only reveals the tricks and games she is playing.   I totally resent that she has destroyed my relationship with my children.  She continues to ‘play games’ when it comes to being a responsible parent.

For Example, this morning I let her know she was again facing contempt of the custody order.  Considering Judge DelRicci has yet to hold her responsible for anything even when he finds her in contempt, she obviously feels she can continue to disregardany court order with impunity.

I sent a text message to her:
824 “It has been over a week since I heard from brennan.  you are in contempt of the custody order.”

She replied:
829 “he has called everyday.  u don.t answer and u don’t have voicemail”

I responded:
834 “You are kidding me.  i will seek jail time for you for you for every missed day.  1-1  you are evil.  what mother does this to their children”

She replied:
836 “terance just stop.  why do u not have voicemail?  why have you not tried to call him.  r u taking the boys off your ugly website?” 

How do invitations for dinner at the Outback, or ice cream at Cold Stone qualify as harassment? They never listed the content of the messages, they just made the allegation without anything to back it up.  

I responded:
837 “You better wise up.  the order doesn’t say you may use his phone to ring once & hang up to wake me in the middle of the night.  read it.” 

She replied:
839 “u. never went to bed before midnight.  i will ask him to call earlier.” 

Now she wants to tell me my bedtime.  I think the more important question is why is she having Brennan contact me between 11:30 PM and midnight each night when he has school the next day?

I responded:
843 “you had colin humiliate himself in court.  he made his situation worse.  YOU CAUSED ALL OF THIS – YOU STUPID LIAR – YOU GOT CAUGHT.  NO AMOUNT OF CHAOS WILL STOP ME FROM PROSECUTING YOU.”

846 “You are going to jail for what you have done.  you will reap what you sowed.”


Parental Alienation… For example… when a mother has her son file a civil lawsuit against his father based on the notion that because the courts have inexplicably protected the mother from any charges for the break-in, robbery, vandalism and poisoning of the family dog that the event did not happen.

Yea. The corrupt judge prevented any justice. So sue your father for libel and slander for reporting that you participated in one of the most hurtful events of your parents divorce. Try to get money out of the father that has been kept unemployed by your mother’s private investigators.

BUT WAIT… the most humiliating part of the entire event is still ahead. In the course of presenting Colin’s arguments to the judge, my Penn State student mispronounces “libelous”.

Bad enough that my son has had his mind so twisted by his mother that he would sue me claiming an event which was fully documented by photos and police reports didn’t occur because he wasn’t charged with the crimes. He doesn’t even know the word for what he is falsely alleging.

I would have won a counterclaim, but what father would do that to his son.


Colin filed this document:
Civil Complaint

“The defendant has published libelous information on his website www.work2bdone.com that id defamation per se in that the Defendantmakes false claims that he expresses as truths. The Defendant states that the Plaintiff has stolen an automobile and taken part ion a robbery. The Plaintiff has never committed or been tried, charged or convicted of these crimes. The Defendant was asked by the Plaintiff to remove the libelous remarks from the website in a letter dated August 14, 2008. The Defendant failed to comply with the demands set therein. The Plaintiff wishes to be compensated for the defamation that has impaired his ability to obtain a job or internship as well as damaged his reputation.”

Civil Action Hearing Notice

I advised the Court that I planned to defend against the complaint.
Notice of Intent to Defend

As a defense was going to be presented, the hearing date was then set.
Notice of Continuance

Colin showed the Judge the letter to his father, Mr. Healy.
Letter Aug 14 2008

I presented the following information along with over 100 pictures from the Robbery including those showing Colin in the act.
Defendant’s Statement

The Judge made a long statement at seeing my family in front of him in this situation. I explained to the Judge that I was there as a Defendant and HAD to be there. We were there because of the crimes of Sonya Healy, and the failure of Judge Thomas DelRicci to perform his duties responsibly. Judge Keightly indicated that he knew Judge Del Ricci and he didn’t believe that I would ever see a Custody Hearing regarding Brennan.

The Judge rules for me and orders Colin to pay damages… of $ 0.00.
Notice of Judgement Transcript Civil Case

What kind of evil lawyers put my son up to this???? What has happened to my sons? It is one thing to understand that they are trying to protect their mother from being prosecuted for crimes against you, but quite another when they join the assault.

I am so ashamed of you, Colin.

And Judge Keightly was right…. the custody hearing before Judge Thomas Del Ricci never happened.


Docket No.:  CV-76-09
Date Filed:  2-25-09

Colin Healy
811 Station Square Boulevard
Lansdale, PA  19446 



 Terance Healy
110 Banbury Avenue
North Wales, PA  19454 


The Defendant, Terance Healy, denies that any information presented on his web site is libelous, untrue or intended to defame. 

The Plaintiff, Colin Healy refused to return a 1997 Chevrolet Malibu which was titled under the Defendant’s name. In March 2008, Colin Healy took the vehicle to an undisclosed location in State College, Pennsylvania without permission and refused to return the vehicle.  The theft of the vehicle was reported to Montgomery Township Police.

On May 14, 2008, Judge Thomas DelRicci ordered the return of the vehicle to the Defendant, Terance Healy.   (A Copy of the Court Order is attached.)

The Plaintiff, Colin Healy, took part in a robbery of the defendant’s home on March 22, 2008.  The event included breaking and entering, vandalism, theft, and the poisoning of the defendant’s pet which eventually resulted in the animal’s death on October 17, 2008. 

Sonya Healy, the mother of the Plaintiff, was found in Contempt of Court regarding the incident. 

On May 14, 2008, Judge Thomas DelRicci ordered the return of the items taken during the burglary of the home.  (A Copy of the Court Order is attached.)

The Plaintiff, Colin Healy, has misrepresented his address.  The current lease for that address does not indicate he is a resident.  (Lease Attached Page 3 Paragraph 6.)

The Plaintiff, Colin Healy, was photographed on March 22, 2008 participating in the break-in, vandalism and theft at the residence.  There are over 25 photographs of the event.  Colin Healy appears in the following:
Photo 100-784
Photo 100-785
Photo 100-788
Photo 100-789
Photo 100-795
Photo 100-801

Additional Charges facing those who robbed the home
§ 902.  Criminal solicitation.
§ 903.  Criminal conspiracy.
§ 2705.  Recklessly endangering another person.
§ 3304.  Criminal mischief.
§ 3502.  Burglary.
§ 3503.  Criminal trespass.
§ 3701.  Robbery.
§ 3702.  Robbery of motor vehicle.
§ 3921.  Theft by unlawful taking or disposition.
§ 3928.  Unauthorized use of automobiles and other vehicles.
§ 4304.  Endangering welfare of children.
§ 4910.  Tampering with or fabricating physical evidence.
§ 5101.  Obstructing administration of law or other governmental function.
§ 5511.  Cruelty to animals.
§ 6301.  Corruption of minors.

 The plaintiff, Colin Healy, has been involved in multiple harassing and intimidating events at the Defendant’s residence since the summer of 2007 requiring the intervention of local police.

 July 2007 – Montgomery Township Police were contacted by Sonya Healy, the Plaintiff’s mother, requesting they intervene as Colin was going to the Defendant’s residence with intent to assault him.

 October 20, 2007 – Montgomery Township Police were contacted by Sonya Healy as she attempted to violate a court order regarding delivery of items from the residence.  At this time Colin Healy threatened the Defendant and the Defendants 73 year old Mother.  A recording of this exchange is available.

 January 13, 2008 – Colin Healy came to the Defendant’s home again to threaten and intimidate.  Colin Healy banged on windows with his fist.  Colin Healy then retreated to the sidewalk where he began shouting derogatory remarks about the Defendant.  After 10 minutes, The Defendant contacted Police as he was concerned the Plaintiff was going to hurt himself if he continued the tirade.

 March 23, 2008 – Colin Healy, on the day after the ransacking and burglary of the Defendant’s home continued to harass and threaten by telephone call and text message that he would be back for more.



I had not countered for fees or costs because Colin is my son.   I couldn’t  try to hurt my son financially, even though he was being used to create more chaos and was seeking $ 8000.00.