
Sonya Healy commited a crime when she, and a group of friends – including minor children – broke into, vandalised and burglarized my home.  Poisoning my dog in the process.

When it happened, Cheif Brady had indicated he would wait until the judge ruled on the contempt before proceeding.   I sent him a letter last week asking about it.

In a phone call today, Local Police advised that they will not file charges against them.

Judge Del Ricci found her in contempt of a court order.  He rewarded her by letting her keep a few things.

That Angst & Angst, her lawyers,  authorized the crime in writing makes it MORE of a crime…

The she used our 16 year old minor son to assist makes it MORE of a crime…

That she also had other minor children involved makes it MORE of a crime…

That she did it in violation of 2 court orders makes it MORE of a crime…

That her lawyers authorized her to violate two court orders makes it MORE of a crime…

That the police were called to the scene and permitted her to continue makes it MORE of a crime…

That my dog died 6 months later as a result of whatever drug they gave him makes it MORE of a crime…

Sonya Healy and those involved should be facing the following charges:
§ 902.  Criminal solicitation.
§ 903.  Criminal conspiracy.
§ 2705.  Recklessly endangering another person.
§ 3304.  Criminal mischief.
§ 3502.  Burglary.
§ 3503.  Criminal trespass.
§ 3701.  Robbery.
§ 3702.  Robbery of motor vehicle.
§ 3921.  Theft by unlawful taking or disposition.
§ 3928.  Unauthorized use of automobiles and other vehicles.
§ 4304.  Endangering welfare of children.
§ 4910.  Tampering with or fabricating physical evidence.
§ 5101.  Obstructing administration of law or other governmental function.
§ 5511.  Cruelty to animals.
§ 6301.  Corruption of minors.

But apparently, when you manipulate law enforcement to handle your dirty work, it grants you the right to break the law and get away with it.   I apparently have no rights at all.  Why?

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