
May 5-7: The Use of Technology in Intimate Partner Stalking Conference (Austin, TX)

The Use of Technology in Intimate Partner Stalking conference from May 5th-7th, is a free conference for OVW grantees.  Participants will gain a basic understanding of how various technologies are used by stalkers and how to enhance community responses to stalking. 

Topics to be covered include how stalkers manipulate technologies such as Global Positioning Systems (GPS), Computers, Surveillance Cameras and Cell Phones; effective investigative and prosecutorial strategies; and safety planning and advocacy.

For more information:  www.nnedv.org

This conference is an indication that situations like mine are not the science fictional delusions that the general public may wish to believe.  I had been to their web site before searching for help but found none.

It is rather curious that NNEDV is listed as participating in the Anti-Spyware Coalition.  
It is a contradiction to be part of an organization which endorses a software program and having a conference to point out the dangers of the same programs.  

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