
As has happened in every internet forum to which I have posted for information since the computers were infiltrated.   The responses become diverted from the issue.  I ask a question about obtaining an explanation of a judge regarding an ex parte order.  Someone misdirects the topic into why would you want to deny a child a vacation.  Any attempt to answer the misdirection only leads away from the initial question to further chaos.

It appears to be innocent enough.  Suggesting paranoia.   However, the tactic prevents any answers for any topic in any forum for months, then you realize the pattern.

  #1   01-08-2009, 04:04 AM

TeranceH TeranceH is offline

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ExParte Order Issued, WHY??

What is the name of your state (only U.S. law)? PA
Pro Se here. (Be gentle, please.)
The judge hearing our case ruled that my petition regarding my not permitting an overseas vacation for my son (traveling alone and with neither parent) was not an emergency and the judge went on vacation expecting to deal with it on his return.

My wife’s attorney then filed a new petition and the ‘covering’ judge issued an Ex Parte Order before I had even rec’d a copy of their petition. While there was little truth to their petition, there was nothing in the petition which indicated or suggested my parental rights should be ignored and summarily dismissed. 50-50 custody. They followed up with another petition indicating that if I do not cooperate with the order, i get sent to jail. They constantly petition to have me locked up again without any reason. This terrorizes me.

How out of line was it of me to request an explanation for the ex parte ruling from the judge? and how about doing it a second time after waiting 6 months and not getting a response? Not seeking to antagonize judge’s, however I would like to know. 

When is it appropriate to ask (albeit carefully) a judge about ex parte rulings and ex parte conversations?





Old 01-08-2009, 04:55 AM

TeranceH TeranceH is offline

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Son is 17.





Old 01-08-2009, 09:22 AM

LdiJ LdiJ is offline

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Originally Posted by TeranceH View Post

Son is 17.

And why do you want to deny him a trip outside of the country? Obviously the other parent thinks he should get to go, so one of you is going to get “trampled on”. What makes your side more compelling than the other parent?


in vino veritas




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