
Judge Rhonda Lee Daniele seems to have this penchant for issuing court orders in stealth.

Judge Daniele issued an order on August 22, 2007 that remained hidden until August 12, 2010.

When I contacted my mother on the 12th to tell her about finding the secret undocketed ex parte order that undermined 3 years of litigation, my mother immediately remembered Rhonda Daniele’s previous sneaky activity…

Rhonda Lee Daniele had issued another secret order that cleaned out my mother’sr bank account 2 days before Thanksgiving. She disregarded due process and the agreements reached in conferences. Had that plot not been discovered, it would have landed me in jail for Christmas. This entire plot was documented and presented to Andrew Gilmartin during one of our final meetings regarding Child Support.

I’ve never met her, but I have the feeling Rhonda Lee Daniele is EVIL. She does so many things in cowardly stealth. If she was not doing anything illegal or unethical, then why is she hiding her activities. I don’t hide. The truth is on my side. I don’t have to hide the truth. I have nothign to be ashamed of, but Rhonda Daniele sure does.

I’ve never met her, never seen her, yet I have the feeling she has used her destructive powers way too many times to destroy people. She needs to be held accountable for her actions. Her abuse of her judicial position is evident. If she is unable to use her powers for good, she should be removed from the bench.

And after the things I read about her over the last fews weeks… Judge Rhonda Lee Daniele will stop at nothing to destroy a person. I know. I’m a victim, too.

I have a feeling when I get the answer to one remaining question about Rhonda Daniele, we may find her to be even more calculating than you could possibly imagine.

Lastly, finally there are some words in this post. It seems people google “Judge Rhonda Lee Daniele” multiple times everyday and gets served the link to this page. Now her fan will have something to read. Here you are connecting through the Wireless Data Service Provider of Doylestown, PA using the Safari browser on a MAC.


Published: Wednesday, November 12, 2008
By Bradley Schlegel
Staff Writer

MONTGOMERY TWP. — Four members of the Montgomery Township Police Department accepted promotions to corporal at Monday’s board of supervisors meeting.

Gerald Dougherty, Robert Hart, Glenn Davis Jr. and William Peoples will assume supervisory roles, according to Richard Brady, chief of the department. He said the corporals would support the sergeants during routine assignments and take charge of squads when the sergeants are on vacation.

“We’re part of management now,” Hart said. “The four of us are prepared for our new role.”

Dougherty, who started with the unit as a dispatcher in 1986, has been patrolling the township’s streets for 20 years. He serves in the canine unit, as a firearm and taser instructor and is a member of the Montgomery County Drug Task Force.

Brady said officers who start as a dispatcher learn the department and the community.

“It’s very advantageous,” the chief said.

Hart, who joined the department in 1988, currently supervises the canine unit.

Davis, an 11-year veteran, is an accident reconstruction expert.

Peoples, also in his 11th year, has taught Drug Abuse Resistance Education classes and became the department’s first accreditation manager.

All four are outstanding officers,” Brady said. “They are all diligent in their profession and proactive in their assignments.”

Corporal candidates, who require at least five years experience, spent three months studying for an exam in September.

Hart said he read five suggested books covering management, legal and investigative issues.

The written exam featured several situational questions, which included handling a criminal investigation or an officer with personal problems, according Hart. He called an oral exam, by three outside officers, very stressful.

Each candidate’s professional performance was scrutinized by his commanding officer and Brady, according to Hart.

“The whole process was very competitive,” he said “All the officers in this department want to do what is necessary to advance our careers.”