
former neighbor
Stayman Drive, North Wales, PA

Emily Weideman robbed my home. My home was burglarized, vandalized and my dog was poisoned. The dog passed 6 months later. There were several court orders which should have prevented this action. The court orders were ignored.

You can’t imagine the feeling of finding your home has been ransacked and robbed… then to find out it has been friends and family that has done it to you… then to see the pictures of the delight on their faces… to find out that so many people felt so empowered to commit a crime against me when I have never done anything to hurt any of them.

So much was done to make sure I was isolated and alone. The emotional pain and hurt caused to me by this criminal act has been so overwhelming I sit and cry whenever I look at the pictures and think of the hatred in a person like Emily.

Each time I leave the house I fear something like this will happen again. There is nothing I can do to prevent it. Emily’s father was a Montgomery Township Police officer. He’s also in the pictures.

I had watched Emily Weideman grow up almost her entire life. Why would she take part in such a destructive action as this?

Emily, you should be ashamed of yourself and your actions. I hope you live daily with the guilt. I live every day with the memory and the pain, and the fear of your terroristic actions happening again. I hope you never feel pain like you have caused me.

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