
This was a short call from Chief Brady indicating that he had heard about the robbery over the weekend. I mentioned to him that I was en route to the county courthouse to file a contempt of court petition.

I asked him if I have suffered enough for WHATEVER NO ONE WILL SAY THAT I DID that the police can be expected to do their job in the future. He indicated that I had definitely suffered enough. 

(I am not implying in any way that he admitted to any responsibility in making that remark.  One thing I haven’t done through the whole situation is attempt to trick people into saying things. Those that have ‘slipped’ have done so out of their own stupidity. (see the Feedback page)).

He asked me to contact him later in the day to update him with regard to the Emergency Petition which would grant him the ability to lock the storage unit so that the items stolen and stored there could be retrieved without further stress.