
I called Sonya to offer to pay for an Identity Theft Protection Service as the data had been made available somehow.  Sonya then indicated that she had been told that wasn’t necessary.  It was at this point that she revealed that she had reported the data to the police the week before.  When asked why she didn’t just call me directly to tell me it was there, she said her attorney told her to contact the police to report it.  I told her I was tired of these criminal actions by her and her attorney.  It was obvious that she had set this whole thing up.  I reminded her that I have the statistics which are available to report access to the web site.  It indicates that her attorney had been to the web site  – and that unlisted page several times in the prior weeks, and that many of her friends had been there as well.  I rescinded my off for Identity theft Protection.

Within an hour my web site domain was under attack, all statistics reports, data and programs were being corrupted.  Additionally I found that the Error pages, that should have been returning a simple error report, were each reporting the data that was on the reported page with the financial data.

I secured the web site, and locked it down so that there was very limited access to the data, through a ‘back door’.  the direct normal method of access was closed.  Had the normal method of access been left open, it would have shut down ALL of the web sites under the primary domain.  My few remaining clients have suffered enough through all of this harassment.  Shutting them down would be an additional hardship they shouldn’t have to deal with.

I notified Lt Richard Peffall of this incident, as he was already looking into my ‘situation’ at the request of the DA.

Nothing happened, and then later in February when I began getting notices and calls that were indicative of Identity Theft, I contacted Lt Peffall and he instructed me to contact Montgomery Township Police.

Montgomery Township Police called and told me they would only investigate it if the credit cards were used locally.  They not only didn’t care that I had all of the information regarding who had caused it, but I additionally had the information about 3 specific incidents where there was enough information to track the crime back to the person responsible.  The officer indicated that he wasn’t interested in that information and if I didn’t have any local examples he was hanging up the phone.  And he did.


When returning from rehearsal for Jesus Christ Superstar, I called Sonya and told her that I would cover the expense for LifeLock because of the personal data being sent around the world. 

Sonya told me that the police had told her it would not be necessary.

I asked when she called the police.  She told me her attorney told her to contact them and she had done so a week ago (Feb 2).  

She had only contacted me on Wednesday.

I rescinded my offer and mentioned to her that I was aware that she was behind the identity theft.  I had been watching the web statistics and noticing who was reading my web site daily.  Noticing who was accessing it regularly.  Within an hour of this phone conversation, my web domain was hacked.  I was able to keep my site and my clients sites up, but it was apparent that there was some clean up work going on.

I kept the sites locked down as best I could.  When I regained access to the site, all of the tracks from the IP Address associated with Angst & Angst had disappeared.  I imagine I should be able to find out who was additionaly assisting in the hacking by finding the other IP addresses which have been edited from the history and have never returned to the site.  I have the backups.   It may take time but I have the data.

I had been working on a way to make those behind the intrusion and harassment reveal themselves. 

Angst & Angst quickly generated 2 more petitions full of lies in an effort  to generate more chaos.  They came after my car  and wanted my web site shut down.


The data was oddly made available again, AND published to Google by someone who should know better – the CEO of Sunbelt Software. 

It was far too suspicious.  I secured the data again.


I have been bullied and harassed by Judge Thomas DelRicci in his courtroom.  Unable to escalate to a higher court as  you cannot even get a hearing scheduled, and you cannot get a ruling, and you cannot appeal what hasn’t been heard.

  • Judge DelRicci has been determined to delay any hearing on custody until my son is over 18.
  • Judge DelRicci has refused to explain the basis of law which applies to his orders.
  • Judge DelRicci has conspired “off the record” with local police and county detectives to prevent prosecution for a break-in and theft at my home.
  • Judge DelRicci has found my wife in contempt of a court order, yet rewarded her by letting her keep some of the things she has stolen.
  • Judge DelRicci has found my wife in contempt of the custody order and wanted to order a restriction on the topics that I may discuss with my son.  WTF???  When not accepted HE compounded the contempt petition on which he had already found her guilty to my outstanding custody (Dec 2007), their contempt petition (Sept 2008) (my working title for this is “60 pages of Bullshit”),  and my petitions filed exposing the contempt of custody orders (Oct 2008, Dec 2008, January 2008).
  • Judge DelRicci has refused to schedule any hearing in a timely manner.  
  • Judge DelRicci scheduled a hearing with 1 day notivce and then as punishment for not having provided discovery documents (for which he never provided a deadline in his order),  he continued the hearing for another 2 months with no direct instructions that it not be moved up in the schedule.
  • Judge Del Ricci refused to look at the financial documents or hear what was going on in the case.  It was a short list on a child support appeal, yet he wanted to acheive equitable distribution.  It was totally off topic.
  • Judge DelRicci had threatened me in an elevator in the courthouse following the short list conference in child support.
  • Judge DelRicci repeatedly cancelled and rescheduled conference in child support generating such confusion that I ended up incarcerated for contempt of a court order that did not exist.  His rush to judgement, pretrial ex parte conversations with Robert Angst, and the confusion generated by Robert Angst at the hearing prevented a fair hearing.
  • Judge DelRicci has refused to schedule anything regarding Custody until June 2009.  My son graduates in June 2009… um, DUH!   Custody no longer applies.  Who cares if HE DESTROYED YOUR CHILDREN AND YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY IN THE PROCESS.  

Judge DelRicci has sentenced Brennan Healy to a lifetime of solitude and isolation from his family.  How is that in the best interest of the child.   The Judge has only made sure he avoided responsibility by delaying and creating more animosity.  

  • Judge DelRicci doesn’t care about Brennan Healy. 
  • Judge DelRicci doesn’t have to watch Brennan’s life after the psychological torture of his mother.
  • Judge DelRicci won’t be there to watch the two young boys struggle to have a relationship with anyone fearing what they were forced to do to their father will happen to them.  
  • Judge DelRicci may even gbe around to throw Colin and Brennan Healy in jail too.  Does Sonya Healy’s “GET OUT OF JAIL FREE” card expire?  Can it be inherited? 

Judge DelRicci has been too busy preventing any judgement and destroying my family to realize the ramifications of his actions on my children.


Sonya told me about the page, however she neglected to mention she had called police.  I removed the page and the data to which it pointed.



Short List regarding Support exceptions

No transcript available

DelRicci first meeting.

DelRicci issues orders to harass me. Later denies those scheduling orders when recusing.

DelRicci won’t listen to any evidence.

DelRicci threatens me in elevator after proceeding.


On February 2, 2008 Sonya made a false Identity Theft report to Upper Gwynedd Police.  This was done at the direction of her lawyer, Valerie Angst.  Apparently she had noticed that personal financial data was available on the internet and was accusing me of setting up the theft of her identity.