
Petitioner now seeks to modify the Order because:

1. Sonya L. Healy has prevented Brennan Healy from visitation and communication with his father.

2. Sonya L. Healy has prevented Brennan from freely communicating with his father by maintaining recording devices which monitor all conversations.

3. Sonya L. Healy has inflicted harm on Brennan by previously agreeing to a best effort daily phone call with his father with full knowledge that conversations are being recorded.

4. Brennan Healy loves both of his parents, however his knowledge of the illegal actions of his mother with regard to a series of harassing actions since February 2007 prevents him from communicating freely with his father as it is understandable he would want to protect his mother from criminal charges.

5. Brennan Healy has not been permitted contact with his extended family – aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents since July 2007.

6. Brennan has not been provided with any source of therapy which might permit him to discuss his situation with someone freely and without bias.

Wherefore, Petitioner respectfully requests that this Honorable Court modify the present Custody/Visitation Order.

Respectfully Submitted,

Terance Healy