
Two unidentified officers
In accordance with to Agreed Order of September 6, 2007, Sonya picked up furniture and belongings listed but wanted more.  She wanted inside the home.  The Agreed Order grants me exclusive use and occupancy of the house. 
When police respond to her call, I explain that the day is about the delivery of the items.  It is not about negotiation.  She had received everything in accordance with the agreement.   Additionally I point out that as I have exclusive and occupancy of the home, she has no right to enter and is not welcome. 

Earlier that week I had heard that she was planning to take far more than what was listed, she was disappointed because the items were already outside the home when she arrived and her team had no reason to enter the house or attempt to take additional items.


Joanne it’s Colin
I was just wondering if you guys have any plans of making him give me back my stuff
I need this stuff for school
This stuff I own
And you know what when he goes to jail for all these things that he’s doing and everybody comes calling us and crying to us that we put him in jail
You know what
He deserves it
I don’t understand why nobody’s making him give my stuff back to me
I gotta go to school
I need this stuff
It’s stuff that he doesn’t need
And he wouldn’t let me have a football today
A football
What is Terance going to do with a football
And please ask yourself that
When I started leaving with the football today he told me I was stealing the football
And I own the football
I don’t know what it takes
I don’t know why you guys aren’t making him give at least my stuff back
Johnny knows where it is too
And yet nobody will give me my stuff back
It’s despicable
Absolutely unbeleivable
If Johnny knows where it is I’m assuming John knows where it is
And nobody ever
I never heard anything about anyone coming down on John for following me into an empty parking lot and verbally harassing me
You guys
This is unbeleivable
I’ve lost a lot of respect for the Healy family
I cannot believe that you guys would let this happen
I cannot believe it
Brennan doesn’t have a desk to do homework on now because he won’t give up Brennan’s desk.
We’re not allowed to take our bicycles
I’m not allowed to have a football a football
I suppose he’s gonna go bike riding on eahc one of our bicycles and play football this weekend
Gimme a break
Somebody in that family needs to straighten him out
I begged you guys time and time again
And he’s gonna make it worse on himself
He’s already spent time in whatever that looney bin was
He’s gonna continue to make it worse on himself
And you guys can straighten him out and help him instead of crying to us when it does happen


When are you going to wake up
You guys are all going to end up burning in hell for this
For making this go on
You guys need to wake up
Wake up


[Sonya screaming in window at Joan Healy, 74, and Terance]
Joanne, Joanne
You are supporting a man that won’t give me a football now
He won’t turn over a football

[Sonya shouting and banging with all her might on the window]
Mom, Mom, stop
(Sonya, “Fuck You.”)
You’re gonna fucking go to hell.


Sonya has Colin so wrapped up in HER divorce he is unable to think properly. He lashes out at everyone and attempts to pick fights with his father.

The only way Colin has had which allows him to deal with the separation from his father is anger. It was clearly evident on October 20, 2007 when Sonya attempted to have Colin remove his items on the day she was to remove her own.

Colin has never been prevented from access to the house, or picking up his belongings. However, as the event was court ordered and about the divorce. I drew a line and wasn’t going to allow the children to feel as if they were being divorced from their father.