
My Rights Were Violated.

The lawyers’ fear of judges also changes their legal behavior in regular legal cases, too, even cases that don’t seem (at first) to involve legal corruption.

When you talk with a lawyer in his office, you may hear him talk about all sorts of wonderful things he promises to do for you – all sorts of countersuits he will file, all sorts of things he will say to defend you. He sounds like a smart guy or girl.

But then you may find, when it comes to the actual legal filings, or the lawyer’s performance in the courtroom, your lawyer is suddenly a wimp and an idiot. He only argues about trivial matters, and forgets to mention the most important evidence about why you are innocent or right.

The reason for this is that much of what goes on in American courtrooms is phony or fake, with the outcome decided in advance by the judge and the lawyers. Lawyers don’t really work for their clients in many cases; their real allegiance is channeled through the judges, and their loyalty is to the government, or to the rich people or corporations who pay the big bribes.

Even though you might have given a lot of money to “your” lawyer, the judge might have gotten a really big bribe from the other side. This is part of why the big corporation usually wins their cases against the little guy.

Your lawyer is often like a crooked pro wrestler who gets paid to take a dive in a rigged wrestling match. He pretends to fight a little bit, then he lays down while the judge/referee counts to 10.

Lawyers are submissive to the judges in the way that they present their cases. If the judge doesn’t want to hear something, the lawyer will try to avoid presenting those facts or arguments. So the truth is never spoken, the motion is never filed, the claims are not made, the facts are not presented. The person whom you imagine is “your” lawyer, trims and narrows his presentation to make it pleasing to the judge, and to the forces of wealth, power and government that the judge represents. Your lawyer may well be bribed by the other side’s lawyers, to help him along in betraying you.

If the lawyers don’t play along with this game, they may suffer the destruction of their careers, or even be railroaded into prison.

This is also how so many poor people and minorities are sent to prison, even though they are completely innocent. They are shoved into accepting a “plea bargain”, with no jury trial, by the lies and deceptions of a “public defender lawyer”, who is trying to hold onto his job. If the “public defender” does not cooperate with the judge and prosecutors in railroading poor people into jail, he can be pushed out of work, or even suffer worse revenge, like being disbarred or jailed on false charges himself.

In lawsuits between people and big companies, the big corporations and rich people who pay for the bribes may not even specifically talk about bribery with their lawyer. They hire a lawyer with “connections”, pay him $500 an hour or whatever he asks, and don’t ask any questions about the details. The lawyers themselves have lots of cash floating around in their pockets, and wait for a discreet moment to pass it to the judge. Occasionally an ex-judge will even reveal that this is how the system actually works, that bribery is commonplace.

Often, the judge and the lawyers agree among themselves about how it’s all going to “go down”, with the end result decided in advance, and you merely hear the result of “the best deal possible”, according to “your” lawyer, whose job is to sell the deal to you, and make you take it – or else. “Your” lawyer will start to threaten or intimidate you, if you do not go along. If a lawyer tries to fight this system, he and his client may both be quickly crushed and destroyed. American lawyers learn quickly that they must “play the game” if they are to survive at all.

Lawyers who wish they could help people, find themselves too afraid to take the actions they know should be taken to really defend and fight for their clients. America’s lawyers are themselves in fear, well-trained in being submissive and timid to America’s judges.

It is almost impossible to find radical, bold, brave lawyers like there were in an earlier day, or like you imagine from television and movies. The judges don’t allow such lawyers to survive very long. Such lawyers have been successfully suppressed, disbarred, jailed, or otherwise intimidated and constrained. That is why when you try to confront judicial and legal corruption, you are usually very much alone and without any legal help.

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