
Theoretically, there are a few lawyers who advertise among their specialties, that they are interested in “legal malpractice” cases. But you will almost certainly find this to be another dead end, as you search for a lawyer to help you.

Many of the lawyers interested in “legal malpractice” are only interested in defending and protecting lawyers who are accused of crimes and offenses – they are not interested in exposing any wrongdoing by other lawyers.

The lawyers who say they are willing to sue other lawyers, are basically only willing to file such lawsuits if it is all right with the judges first – they are not willing to sue lawyers who are committing crimes in collusion with the judges.

These lawyers first want to know if some judge is already angry at the lawyer in question, and wants to take revenge on the lawyer – in that case the “legal malpractice” lawyer might be willing to help you. A few narrow types of cases fall into this category – like lawyers who have missed a filing deadline in a personal injury lawsuit, thereby depriving other lawyers and judges of legal fees and bribery money.

The lawyers, and the judges supporting them, will also tolerate a few lawsuits about legal misconduct, where the lawyers have engaged in malpractice or misconduct that hurts the big corporations or their shareholders. The judges and lawyers don’t care about average citizens, but they do care about big corporations, shareholders, and wealthy people, so they might consider evaluating whether a lawyer has provided good service to big corporations and wealthy people.

As far as the average citizen goes, you can pretty much forget about even the so-called “legal malpractice” lawyers. No matter how clearly you can prove felony crimes by other lawyers and judges, the “legal malpractice” lawyers will almost never help you.

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