
My Rights Were Violated.

In both federal and state courts, you will find some theoretical grievance procedures for misconduct by judges. You can often find, even on the internet itself, instructions as to what forms to file and where to file them. But, in the end, nearly all of this is a joke, a farce, and a fraud on the American people.

Nearly all such complaints are kept secret, permanently. Some jurisdictions have even made it a crime to talk about the fact that you have filed a complaint against a judge.

The judges read these complaints, and pass them around to each other, and maybe even laugh and joke about them. Sometimes the judges have little private talks with each other, and suggest strategies so as to not be so blatantly obvious in their offenses in the future.

The judges almost never take any official action on these complaints, regardless of how much evidence you have submitted. The complaints are rejected, and they tend to not even reply to the victim. If a reply is made, it is to dismiss the complaint, with a remark that the complainant is a “disgruntled litigant”, or some technicality or other is invented to jettison the complaint.

Also, it can be nearly impossible to get a lawyer to help you file such misconduct charges – see below on why lawyers are afraid of revenge by the judges. But even with a lawyer making the complaint for you, the outcome would be the same: Nearly all complaints ignored or dismissed.

Starting in 2004, there was even appointed a national judicial ethics panel of the United States Supreme Court, with a Supreme Court judge as chairman. This is yet another group that is stonewalling on judicial corruption, so you can send in complaints and have them ignored right at the very top.

The judges of America look out very nicely for each other. On the other hand, judges who dare to expose the bribery and misconduct by other judges, can be attacked and driven out of office on trumped-up accusations.

The judges are jealous of their own sense of power, which is diminished every time a judicial scandal is exposed. The judges think it is better to cover up for any crimes by fellow judges, so that they don’t lose the respect that they have remaining, among the people who don’t know any better.

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