
My Rights Were Violated.

With very few exceptions, no. The law professors at American law schools, writing all sorts of long articles full of legal jargon on the supposed “issues” of the American legal system, generally stay away from the topic of legal corruption and misconduct. Like everybody else in the American legal system, the professors at American law schools are afraid of speaking the truth about American corruption and bribery.

These professors will have various kinds of scholarly excuses – they will tell you that, as professors, they are focusing on “technical” issues in the law, as it is found in the decisions of judges. They will tell you that issues of simple corruption and bribery, are not “intellectually interesting”, or that they have no way of investigating such complaints, given that complaints about judges and lawyers are almost all held secret in the American legal system.

But the reality is that most every American law school and university, like most everything else in America, is basically a business trying to raise money and maintain its funding. The big money for the universities, aside from tuition fees, comes from donations from the big corporations and the wealthy donors, and from the American government, which is itself a servant of those big corporations.

And the law professors are afraid of revenge, too, just like lawyers and people in the media. If they speak out against corruption, they can get sued, and their university can get sued, and start losing money from the government and the big donations from business people. And the particular law instructors might lose their jobs.

The students of the law schools often graduate to become highly-paid lawyers directly involved in legal corruption. Often, the crooked judges themselves teach part-time on the law school faculty. The law professors are closely connected to the culture of bribery and corruption, even though they won’t admit it. Many law professors get rich on the side, earning big money by using their prestige as a “law professor” and earning big fees. You will find cases of law professors even allowing their names to be used for criminal projects by crooked lawyers and judges.

Yes, law professors will sometimes be chasing after publicity on some big case that is already in the news. Lawyers and law professors love to be involved in big famous cases.

But law professors almost always stay away from the millions of poor little victims of the law, who are getting their lives destroyed by crooked lawyers and judges. Law professors find themselves in trouble if they rock the boat and try to expose the culture of bribery and court fraud, so they stay away from it. Like practicing lawyers, they won’t risk their careers to help poor victims, whom they feel they won’t be able to help anyway, because everything is stacked against the victim.

So it’s the same game all over again. The law professors are usually another dead end, another brick wall, as you look for help to fight American legal or judicial corruption.

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