
My Rights Were Violated.

This role of the American news media, and how they are silent on legal and judicial corruption, is another big shocker for the victims of injustice.

When you are a new victim of legal injustice in America, you tend to start out thinking that the horrors that happened to you, can wind up on the front pages of the newspaper, or in the headlines on at least the local TV news broadcasts. You think you have a great and important and news story – and you may be right. You think that the public will be interested in what happened to you – and you may be right. You think your story is very unique – but you are probably wrong about that.

As a victim of injustice by lawyers or judges, you may think your story is unique, because you haven’t heard about similar stories on the news, or read about similar stories in the newspapers. But that is only because the big media in America – the newspapers and television news shows, and the major news internet sites that you read – almost never publish such stories.

The reality is that the so-called “reporters” at media outlets, are actually bombarded every day with endless horror stories of things happening to innocent people, especially in the legal system. Typically, reporters don’t pursue such stories, because they know they won’t be allowed to publish such stories in the newspapers, or talk about them on television.

While millions of Americans have already been victims of the legal system, millions more have not yet had the opportunity to bump into it. And because the news media refuses to report on the stories of legal and judicial corruption, the millions who haven’t been in court, have an imaginary fairy-tale view of American justice, that has been created by television and Hollywood movies, and the propaganda they learned in school in childhood.

So when you become a victim of injustice, you are tempted to call the newspapers and TV stations, and you imagine you might be on nationwide television. And, in fact, if they had the courage to do a story on you, it might be an interesting one.

But they don’t want to tell your story. You just take a number, behind the many thousands of other people, who wish the media was talking about their story, too.

The American media does not want to talk about particular cases of legal corruption, and does not want to talk about attempts by citizens to reform the legal system. Their coverage of such cases is almost always limited to cases where some government official or politician is taking some action or saying something. The media avoids news and stories about judicial and legal corruption, that are supplied by citizens themselves.

The media is afraid of confronting legal corruption, for the same reason lawyers and everyone else are afraid. If a newspaper starts publishing material on the corruption of lawyers and judges, that newspaper would quickly become a target of revenge by the legal system. Possibly a direct target, but more importantly an indirect target.

All of a sudden, court cases in which that media organization was involved would not go very well. People would show up and sue the newspaper for millions of dollars – in seemingly unrelated cases – and suddenly win, maybe even destroying and wiping out the newspaper. People at the newspaper might suddenly find themselves arrested and criminally charged for something that seems unrelated. Lawyers would be unwilling to defend the newspaper, or else only defend it badly, giving a victory to the other side. It might take a while, but eventually the newspaper might be totally destroyed by the legal machine, unless it learned its lesson of being submissive to the lawyers and the judges.

The legal system has certainly been terrifically savage and brutal to individual writers and journalists, who have dared to raise questions about legal and judicial misconduct.

And as been said above, the media ground rules in America, are such that the media is obligated to present the view of reality that is painted by a judge in his orders and decrees. Even if the judge is a perverted criminal lunatic, his “verdict” is how the media can smear someone, unless there’s some higher judge that has over-ruled the first judge. The response of a private person to the slanders of a judge or a false court verdict, is heavily discounted by the media, and often not published at all. The judges control everything in America – their words then become lawful propaganda.

But there is more to the story of the media, than just typical fear of lawyers and judges. Just like the corporations and rich investors fund and “own” both of the major political parties, the same corporations and investors own and control most of the major media in America. Just like there is no real political opposition, there is no real media opposition, either.

No, the US government does not “own” the media. Somewhat the other way around, and more complex: It is the big corporations and rich investors, who own most all the major media, as well as the political parties and the machinery of US government. The bottom line is still the same. No effective political opposition in America, no opposition parties, no opposition media.

Like they say, freedom of the press belongs to the people who own the press. And the press, in the United States of America, is owned by the same big corporations and rich investors, who own the machinery of government, and are backing the culture of judicial dominance and corruption.

A recent article showed how the top 10 media conglomerates in America, including many of the big media names that you know, was actually controlled by a very small group of less than 120 people who formed the directors of these media corporations. These people were, in many cases, on the boards of many other big companies. In fact, these 120 people were also on the boards of directors of over 280 of the richest corporations in America.

So the biggest American corporations and investors, are also controlling America’s media that you see and hear and read. And it’s just 120 very rich people at the controls of a dominant chunk of that media pie. These people don’t have to be part of an ultra-secret conspiracy, or some secret society. They might just be rich people who have a common interest: Profit and money and control. Control the media, control democracy, control the profit.

These corporations like the system the way it is. Otherwise they could make it different. If they didn’t like America’s crooked judges and lawyers, the media owners could launch a big crusade for more democracy, power to the people, more political parties, prosecution of dishonest judges and lawyers.

But it’s funny, they’re not interested in any of that stuff. You look at the major media outlets, on TV or in the newspapers, and you don’t hear much about legal corruption, or the need for reforming the judges and the legal system. You’re confronted with “info-tainment”, a few sensational stories that avoid telling the real news about corruption. The media avoids telling how the old America is rotting away. Aside from celebrity and fluff pieces, what is generally allowed to appear as “news”, is nearly all sourced in the government itself.

If you look closely at what’s in the newspaper or a major media outlet, you will find in many cases that nearly all of what’s in the newspaper, or big media website, has its origins in actions or statements by the government. The President said this, the government spokesman said this, an unnamed official said this, the town councilman said this, someone leaked this from the government, the police did this, the courts are doing that. What comprises the “news” is often government from A to Z, and then the media adds a little bit about what dress some celebrity was wearing. Even with celebrities, the news is often government-oriented – the celebrity was in divorce court, was caught buying drugs, etc..

There isn’t really much that’s allowed to be “news” in the USA unless the government, or some faction in the government, starts it first. On legal and judicial corruption, the media usually don’t pursue the story, unless the lawyer or judge is actually being officially prosecuted or investigated by an official government agency, or is being sued in a lawsuit by a law firm that is politically impressive enough to win media attention.

The media don’t want to hear about how your rights were being violated, or how much crystal clear evidence you have that the lawyers or a judge committed a crime. They want to know: Is someone in the GOVERNMENT doing something about your evidence? The bar, the police, the prosecutors, the judges, a politician speaking out on your behalf? If not, they usually don’t want to print your story.

As a victim of legal or judicial corruption, you find the media is another brick wall in your struggle.

It’s not a question of your writing a good press release, or getting your facts well-presented, or having good evidence. You could have the greatest story in the world, with the most well-written press release, but the media will ignore you, if you are trying to expose judicial and legal corruption in America.

Even worse, in some cases the big media companies are actually helping lawyers and judges to commit felony crimes. The big media companies are working with lawyers to help set up lawsuits – they plant fake “news” stories, and even invent fake interviews, which later serve as false evidence in court cases, to help take away the rights of victims. Yes, these kind of frightening events are really happening. And once again, you may not know these facts until you seriously research things on the internet. The big media companies are hardly going to let you know, that big media companies are in cahoots with crooked lawyers and judges.

Americans might be the most expertly manipulated and deceived people in the entire world now, as their political life is managed by the biggest propaganda operation in world history. It is wise never to trust the mainstream media from the USA; always think of what might possibly be the real truth behind the surface story. Since the time of Adolf Hitler and his propaganda minister Goebbels, it has been known that the best way to control a nation is to control the mass media – that’s why the big corporations place such importance on their control of the mass media in America.

Americans who are still stuck inside the two-party myth, the Democrat vs. Republican ways of thinking, have the same problem with interpreting the news media that they have in looking at the judges. The Republican voters think the media is “too Democrat, too liberal, too leftist”, while the Democrats think the media is “too Republican, too conservative”. And once again, just as with the judges, both sides are right, and also wrong at the same time.

The big media companies, like the judges, are serving the government, and serving the big corporations who own the media as well as pay for the politicians. You can pick your viewpoint, to point out some news stories that slant toward the Republican wing of the airplane, and other sides that slant toward the Democrat wing, depending on where you want to start. But what you can be sure of, is that nearly all news stories, fit into the mainstream framework of the ruling big-party machine. What the news stories aren’t telling very well, is the stories of real grass-roots Americans, trying to fight back against big government and the big corporations, or the millions of Americans who are victimized or fighting back against one of the world’s most crooked legal systems.

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