
My Rights Were Violated.

Amazingly, though you can find many American organizations supposedly dealing with lawyers and judges, and the topic of reforming the legal system, they will mostly all ignore you, if you are a victim of judicial or legal corruption. This is true of the whole range of well-funded advocacy groups, non-profit study groups, and various civil rights, civil liberties, and human rights organizations.

Such groups tell you they try to “work within the system”, which is code language for telling you that they almost never get involved in complaining about crooked lawyers and judges. These organizations are not out to rock the boat of America’s judicial nightmare, even though they may be engaged in other political-type legal cases.

If such organizations have any money, resources, or lawyers on their staff, they will very likely totally ignore you.

But if the organization has no money, has nothing much more than a website, and no lawyers or legal help, you may find a sympathetic ear to receive your e-mails, but perhaps little else.

Like many other victims, you may find that the same civil rights or civil liberties organization, to whom you were donating money all these years, now dumps you on the street like a load of garbage when you ask them to help, in an actual case of judicial or legal corruption.

It is all a tragedy, indeed.

And it will be quite a surprise, as you sift through the websites, many of which claim that they are advocates for civil liberties, human rights, more honest judges, a more open judicial process and blah-blah-blah.

Some of them have very nice websites, put up at great expense. You can read about their paid staff members with their executive director, and all the important people on their board of directors – which is almost a sure sign that the organization will not help you.

If you dig into those websites, though, you will usually not find any great heroic stories, of how the group helped some poor victim of legal corruption, who had been railroaded by a dishonest judge or lawyer.

If you call them up, you will find that such brave fighting is not their “mission”. If such groups have money, that usually means that these groups are part of the general game of politics that serves either the Democratic or Republican parties, or both. Or sometimes the group is actually a group working for the very lawyers and judges who are running the current system as it stands right now.

Such groups are sometimes quite passionately involved in a few partisan legal cases, where Republican politicians are going after Democrats, or vice-versa. Sometimes they are involved with one of those public emotional issues – like school prayer or family values or so on – in the framework of one political party or another. Occasionally, they do help some private individual, who is lucky enough to have his or her problem fit exactly into their political agenda, but that is very rare.

And such cases are almost never about the usual bribery, fraud, corruption, and brutality, of America’s day-to-day lawyers and judges. There is no well-funded organization out there, helping the simple average American who is being robbed, violated and railroaded by crooked lawyers and judges.

Any well-funded organizations, and their lawyers, tend to chase after cases that are already in the media, or obviously suited to the political game of the two main parties.

Such well-funded organizations, tend to get their money from big corporations, precisely because they serve the interests of those corporations. They may help “recommend” judges who are eager to help the big corporations, and fit into the framework of one of the two big parties.

One of the many ways that political life in America is managed, is by the smoke and mirrors of so-called non-profit think tanks and political advocacy groups. For example, big corporations pay for “environmental study” groups that help the big corporations to damage the environment and get away with it, as the “independent study” group then feeds false information to the media, in a big game of deceiving the members of the public.

The “legal and justice” organizations you find on the internet, are sometimes no different. First of all, they are organizations trying to keep their own money flowing, and the biggest source of money is from rich people and big corporations.

Some organizations do some good work for human rights or civil rights, but they are very timid or limited in what they do. So many tens of millions of people need help, they say No to most people anyway.

And such organizations are afraid of exposing crooked lawyers and judges. They have the same problem you do: The judges and lawyers will destroy them if they speak out too much. If they criticize judges and lawyers, they face lawsuits and false criminal charges, just like you do. The judges can see to it that the organization’s lawyers lose the right to practice law, and that the organization gets destroyed with a few big lawsuits. And they will lose their “corporate” funding if they have any, and all those paid employees at the organization will be out of work, or worse.

When you are a victim of a crooked judge or lawyer, that often means your civil rights have been violated, either by what originally happened, or the subsequent cover up. However, that is exactly the kind of violation of your civil rights and civil liberties, that the various organizations are afraid to touch, even if they claim to be national “civil rights and civil liberties” organizations.

“We have to work within the system,” they will tell you. “Our resources are limited, we can’t take every case, it’s not the kind of case we handle . . .” Eventually you get used to the routine responses.

Most victims will find that, for their own case, there is no one out there, with money or resources or lawyers, who is willing to help fight legal or judicial corruption in America.

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