
My Rights Were Violated.

Next to the initial shock of realizing the crooked nature of American judges and courts, the next biggest shock for the typical victim is finding out that the politicians of both major parties, have no interest in helping the victim or confronting the injustice.

Often you hear a victim of legal corruption say, “I’ve been a Republican/Democrat all my life, but when I asked for help about how I was victimized by a judge or lawyer, all I got was the run-around. They slammed the door in my face. My legislator just told me, ‘We don’t interfere with the courts, that’s a different branch of government.’ I told them about all the crimes I saw committed, but they didn’t care. They just abandoned me, even though I voted for those people for years.”

It’s often the same story. If you have some problem with an executive branch government agency, not getting some permit you need or some issue like that, your legislator might help you. But raise an issue about crooked lawyers and judges, then Whoa! You find that your legislators and their staff look at you like some criminal, who has just tried to get away with armed robbery. They don’t want to talk to you, they don’t want to hear about your problems, and they almost certainly won’t do anything about it.

The political party that you imagined was on your side all those years you voted for them, now suddenly has no time for you. You will find that both political parties are the same.

Even if you have a strong political angle, they won’t help you. If a Republican judge has committed a felony crime against you, don’t expect the Democrats to help. If a law firm of Democrat lawyers has robbed you, don’t expect the Republicans to help.

You are confronting something very deep and dark about American life here. Your legislators will not help you about legal corruption and wrong-doing, not only for the reason that the legislator and leading staff members may well all be lawyers. Of course that is a factor, too. Sometimes even the majority of legislators are lawyers, the same kind of politically-hungry lawyers who become judges. They start their careers playing the familiar dirty games with judges and other lawyers, and they do not want to start fighting that dirty game just because they won an election as the supposed “people’s representative”.

The legislator knows it is very dangerous to talk about crime and wrongdoing by lawyers and judges. Legislators who start talking like that, are quickly attacked by the legal profession, by the judges and by their fellow legislators. If they don’t shut up quickly, their political careers, and maybe their private ones, will be sabotaged. They might find themselves suddenly themselves facing trumped-up “corruption charges”, and there will be lots of snickering as to how they only complained about judges and lawyers because they were crooks themselves.

Ultimately, legislators are loyal to the people who pay their bills – the richest people and the biggest corporations. Nearly all legislators belong to the two major political parties, and they have benefited financially and in many other ways from these parties and related political-action groups, which are mostly funded in turn by the rich people and big corporations.

The big money behind the two political parties, do not want to see legislators rocking the boat, going on a crusade against crooked lawyers and judges, when the American legal system is exactly the main tool that is being used to keep the whole American “system” the way it is, the way that is most profitable for the big companies. A legislator who makes trouble here, has a very difficult road, and will usually not be allowed to stay in politics very long, and be lucky not to get jailed before it is all over.

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