
So why don’t the rich people and corporations keep the judges under control, and force them to be honest?

In talking about the power of the big corporations, the billionaires, and the multi-millionaires, it is not necessary to take sides on issues like free-market capitalism versus leftist social democracy, or the old-fashioned debate about what Americans call the “conservative” versus “liberal” viewpoint.

What is being talked about here, is the monopoly power of rich companies and a few rich people, so concentrated that is so huge and dangerous, and stifles free competition. It is what former American President Teddy Roosevelt warned about as the dangerous power of “trusts”, or cartels and monopolies. It is also what former American President Dwight Eisenhower warned against as the power of the “military industrial complex”, the big corporations and wealthy people whom he said might eventually control all branches and aspects of government, if people were not vigilant.

It is that kind of concentrated, monopoly power that is at issue here – not just the power of the judges and lawyers themselves as a monopoly, but the power of the corporations behind them.

Clearly it benefits the judges themselves to operate a culture of almost naked and unrestrained power, where complaints about judges are only reviewed by other judges. It benefits the judges themselves to have a system where the lawyers themselves must submit to the judges, and not dare expose corruption, or else instantly lose their ability to practice law, and maybe face jail and prison themselves. Where judges can commit crimes and develop a culture of bribery, secure in the knowledge that they themselves can cover up for fellow judges who engage in bribery and misconduct.

The current game benefits the judges, and it benefits the group of wealthy lawyers who play dirty games with the judges and who buy influence with them. But all of that may not be enough to explain why the game keeps going on.

Over and over again, people cry out in private: Why doesn’t “somebody” do something about these crooked judges and lawyers? Why won’t anyone help me? Why do the politicians, the police and everybody else, stay silent why all of this is going on?

Yes, theoretically, the legislators have the power to go after the judges. The media could start publicizing on the front page of the newspapers, and in the headlines of news broadcasts, all the terrible crimes being committed by judges and lawyers, all the stories of so many victims, with so much proof in written documents. If it wanted, the media could publicize all those stories that are usually only found by people on the internet, after they themselves have become victims, and go looking on the internet for help, only to find that there are hundreds of thousands of other victims, too.

But nonetheless, all the millions of victims of the legal system are suffering, and finding that no one in power, no big political party or influential media organization is taking up their cause. Why not?

The answer ultimately lies in the power of the big corporations, and the billionaire and multi-millionaire investors. These powers, ultimately, like the current system as it is. It works for them, even though the average common person often gets run over by the big bus known as the American legal system. These big corporations, who also own the media companies, and who also supply the money for your congress-people and legislators, like the system as it is. So the people who get their money – the media and the legislators – stay quiet about legal corruption, because they know that the current legal system is what is wanted by those big corporations and investors.

A “fair” legal system, which made the little guy equal to the big corporation, is obviously something dangerous to the corporations, that would cost them money. An unfair legal system – where only the richest can afford to play the game well – benefits the corporations greatly.

Almost no one in America can pay lawyers $500 an hour for months and months. But this is small chump change for big companies or billionaires, to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on lawyers.

And it is not just lawsuits and legal claims, that the big corporations and rich investors are worried about. It is control of all the machinery of government, control of democracy itself, that is secured by owning the legal system.

America is the only developed nation in the world whose political system, is so well controlled and owned by the big corporations and investors. An unfair legal system, with lots of influence-buying and bribery, not only lets companies win their particular legal battles, in taking away the rights of the little guy. It also prevents other kinds of protest and political activity that could threaten the big companies’ profits and power. The working class and middle class people, can be kept submissive and in fear, afraid of ever trying to ask for their rights either in the court or in politics.

America’s unfair legal system is an important tool to keep people shut up and quiet and fearful. Similarly, the monopoly ownership of America’s media by the big companies keeps many Americans ignorant of things that are going on, if it is not what the corporations want them to hear.

Americans are in terror of the law and the legal system. If the average American is arrested, he already fears that he will be railroaded and sent to jail if he is not rich, and if he does not have several hundred thousand dollars to spend. If he is sued by a big company, the average person expects to lose everything he owns, and go bankrupt.

The legal system is used to quash, silence and destroy, and even imprison, little people who try to criticize big companies, rich people, or (of course) judges and lawyers. The legal system is used to attack and harass people who try to start independent political parties or reform movements, or engage in protest activity, or to crush independent writers and critics.

One big tool of crushing democracy, is the whole farce of American courts on divorce and family law, the custody of children and alimony and divorce property disputes. By keeping millions of Americans tied up in years of legal hell and losing money to this system, working Americans are kept poor, and drained of energy and resources they could use for other political activity.

In a general demoralization of the working and lower classes, America has built a giant gulag of prisons, with more than 2 million prisoners – this is one-fourth, twenty-five percent, of all the prisoners in the entire world. America is now a big jailhouse. More than 1 out of 140 Americans is currently in prison. Hardly anybody is in jail in Europe, and the crime rates are much lower. America imprisons a much higher percentage of people than China, Cuba or other countries that America likes to criticize.

Working class and minority Americans live in fear of being sent to jail on false and bogus charges, with fake evidence from crooked jailhouse snitches, who tell lies just to get a lighter sentence for themselves. Sometimes you learn that an innocent man was strapped to a table and put to death, on the basis of such flimsy crooked evidence.

The average person is already at least subconsciously aware that the legal system is a terrifying monster. Indeed, it is a frightening iron fist, or iron curtain, of corruption.

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