
My Rights Were Violated.

When you have been a victim of wrongdoing by a judge or lawyer, you have joined the ranks of what are now millions of victims of sleaze and corruption in the American legal system.

But you need first of all to realize that you are in an extremely difficult situation, and it will be very difficult for you to get help, despite your being surrounded by nearly a million lawyers in the USA, and living in a society that is obsessed with law and lawyers, with courts and with lawsuits.

This FAQ or list of Frequently Asked Questions, will help you understand the situation in which you find yourself. This FAQ will explain what will likely happen as you try the various avenues of seeking help and justice, and the powerful forces that are set up against you.

You have begun a road that is probably long and lonely, as well as dangerous. You or a loved one may be threatened with jail and prison, with losing everything you have or own, even with being physically and mentally tormented, being murdered or put to death.

You may be completely innocent, and have complete proof that a lawyer or judge or their friends have committed major felony crimes.

But still, you may have a terribly difficult time getting anyone to help you, or getting the news media to cover your story, or even getting someone to listen to you.

The first step is to face and confront the situation, and know exactly what forces you are facing in America’s strange legal system. This FAQ will help you understand all of this.

Click Here to download the entire FAQ document in PDF Format

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